


SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 is committed to maintaining an environment that is free from unlawful sexual harassment. Inappropriate and disrespectful conduct and communication of a sexual nature will not be tolerated.


性骚扰是一种性别歧视. It is a violation of federal law under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, as amended; 第九条 of the Education Amendment of 1972; New York State Human Rights Law; and Executive Order 11246. 除了, New York State Executive Orders require State agencies to prohibit sexual harassment in the workplace. In 1980, the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission issued guidelines under Title VII, 哪个州不受欢迎的性侵犯, 性要求, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when:

  1. submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of an individual's employment
  2. submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual
  3. such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, 敌对的或攻击性的环境


Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome verbal or physical sexual advances or statements, which:

  • 对收信人有冒犯或反感吗
  • 使收件人感到不舒服或羞辱
  • 干扰收件人的表现
  • 不利地影响雇用的期限或条件

Sexual harassment may involve the behavior of a person of either sex against a person of the opposite sex or the same sex, 当这种行为符合性骚扰的定义时.


  1. 交换条件

    交换条件 is where the harasser has more power/authority than the individual being harassed. 交换条件 occurs when specific benefits are withheld as a way of obtaining sexual favors. 掌权的人使用他或她实际的或表面的权力, 或者利用威胁来获取性利益.
  2. 充满敌意的环境

    Hostile environment is where any individual can be the harasser if his/her actions create a hostile, 可怕的环境. Hostile environment is defined as a pattern of unwelcome behavior that creates an offensive environment. 当不受欢迎的行为出现时,敌对环境就出现了, 无论是性的还是基于性别的, 冒犯了, 威胁, 嘲笑, 或者侮辱一个人,以至于改变了他/她的环境.

Each incident is given consideration to the record as a whole and to the totality of the circumstances, 包括指称事件发生的背景.


在评价行为时,必须牢记全局. Examples of unwelcome behavior that can create an offensive environment are:

  • 发表性评论或含沙射影
  • 口头骚扰
  • 性行为的微妙压力


  • 送私人礼物
  • 发送色情信件或电子邮件
  • 斜眼看别人的身体
  • 阻挡某人的道路


  • 触摸、拍、捏或抚摸
  • 站得很近或紧贴着一个人

对于希望检查自己行为的人 潜在的骚扰言论和行为, 应该提醒他们,要求性服务, 讲性笑话, 发表猥亵言论或展示色情图片, 海报, 或者日历可能被认为是对他人的骚扰. 当一个人表示某物是不需要的或不受欢迎的, 这种行为应该立即停止.


Individuals who perceive a situation as sexual harassment should call the 机构公平办公室 at (315) 464-9590 to discuss their concerns. 除了联系机构公平办公室, 以下是如何应对性骚扰的步骤:

  • 说“不”. 坚定地说,不要笑.
    One of the most effective ways of dealing with harassment is to tell the harasser the behavior is bothersome and that it is unwelcome.
  • 和你的上司谈谈. 如果骚扰者是你的上司,和他/她的上司谈谈.
  • 把发生的事情记录下来. 包括直接引用,目击者,或骚扰的模式. 保存所有寄给你的信件、卡片、便条或电子邮件. 把日志和笔记都放在安全的地方,最好放在家里.
  • 以书面形式告诉骚扰者你反对这种行为. 描述冒犯或让你心烦的具体事情. 保留这封信的副本.


Federal law prohibits adverse actions against any individual who opposes sexual harassment, 提出投诉, 或以任何方式协助或参与调查, 进行, 或听觉. Those in violation of this law are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.


依照现行的政策和法律, every effort will be made to protect the privacy of all individuals throughout all phases of the complaint investigation and resolution process. Information about complaints will be maintained in confidence 尽最大可能.


纽约州立大学上州医科大学绝不容忍性骚扰. The 机构公平办公室 will investigate complaints of sexual harassment. When behavior falls within the definition of sexual harassment, SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 will:

  • 必要时采取适当行动,提供适当的补救措施
  • 个案处理投诉
  • 保护所有涉及性骚扰投诉的人的隐私, 尽最大可能

The Institutional Equity Officer is available to discuss alleged incidents or problems associated with sexual harassment. Individuals may inquire about their options and/or file a written complaint by contacting the 机构公平办公室 at (315) 464-9590 to arrange an appointment. Written complaints must be filed with the Institutional Equity Officer within 90 calendar days following the alleged discriminatory act or the date on which the complainant first knew or reasonably should have know of such act.

The 机构公平办公室 is responsible for the investigations and resolutions of complaints. Allegations of discrimination must be filed with the Institutional Equity Officer. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the University's response to the alleged discrimination, 投诉人可以, 在任何时候, 向适当的州或联邦机构投诉.


The safety and well-being of all members of the 上州医科大学 community is our highest priority.

To this end, 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 takes the issues of sexual harassment and sexual violence very seriously. We must do all that we can to prevent its occurrence and respond swiftly and appropriately when it does occur. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 stands with SUNY in taking a proactive approach to stop sexual harassment and sexual violence and assault through training and prevention programs.

为所有学生和员工创造一个更安全的校园环境, 并帮助你了解你的报告责任, we are sending this invitation that contains a link to important training about 第九条, Clery行为, 及性骚扰. The training covers topics that relate to your reporting responsibility as an 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 employee and is a New York State workforce requirement.

This on-line training is provided by Organizational 培训 and Development and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. 纽约州推荐最近最火的赌博软件的员工可以通过Brightspace: UH7899: 第九条访问本课程, 克莱利法案和性骚扰预防培训. 要登录Brightspace,请点击链接 http://mylearning.suny.edu/d2l/login,选择“课程”选项卡,然后在以下网站进行课程搜索: 第九条. 点击课程ID,然后注册.

Brightspace的登录凭据与Outlook相同. If you are unable to login, please contact the IMT Helpdesk at 315-464-4115.