
Cystic Fibrosis Rehabilitation

推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Regional Rehabilitation Centers at IHP
Institute For Human Performance (IHP)
谷歌地图 & 方向
电话: 315 464-6543
传真: 315 464-4753
小时:我的. 结婚. 星期五. - 7am-4:30pm; 外胎. 碰头. - 7 am-6pm
推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Regional Rehabilitation Centers at Western Lights
推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Rehabilitation at Western Lights
套件b - 100
4671 Onondaga Boulevard
谷歌地图 & 方向
电话: 315 464-6543
传真: 315 464-4753
小时:M, W: 8:00am - 4:30pm
外胎 & 碰头: 8:00am - 6:00pm
推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Regional Rehabilitation Centers at Bone & 联合中心
推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Bone and 联合中心
East Syracuse, NY 13057
谷歌地图 & 方向
电话: 315 464-6543
传真: 315 464-4753
小时:我的. 结婚. 星期五. - 8am-4:30pm; 外胎. 碰头. - 8 am-6pm


Most people relate PT to rehabilitation for back pain, 手术后, after a sports injury, after a stroke or other neurological injuries.

越来越多的研究表明,囊性纤维化患者进行PT和运动可以改善气道清除率, 的姿势, 强度, flexibility and a person’s overall quality of life.

职业治疗(OT)帮助人们提高他们在日常工作中的独立性, 从自我护理任务到休闲活动再到管理他们的日常计划和药物.  职业治疗师(OTs)开发技术并使用干预措施来开发执行这些不同职业所需的技能. 

For the Cystic Fibrosis population, OTs focus on developing energy conservation techniques and assist with daily routine management; medication and respiratory treatment compliance in relation to increased independence and quality of life; transitioning from pediatric to adult care and independent healthcare actions by utilizing a cognitive behavioral frame of reference.  OTs can assist people of all ages ranging from the pediatric to geriatric population.  职业治疗囊性纤维化项目是该领域的第一个前沿项目.


在住院期间,一个人可能感觉不舒服,重点是恢复健康和回家. With decreased activity, muscles can lose 强度 and the body can lose 耐力. PT可以帮助维持力量和耐力,让人更快地恢复到正常的活动水平.  OT可以帮助确定适应性设备和策略的需求,以提高日常生活和任务活动的能力, educate on energy conservation techniques, 确定适当的时间表,以提高治疗和药物的依从性,并通过提高所有医疗保健行动的独立性,帮助患者成功地从儿科过渡到成人护理. 


The person with worsening CF may notice that mobility, daily tasks and exercising regularly become difficult.  PT can help improve a person’s stamina and quality of life through exercise and education. 盆底功能障碍也是囊性纤维化患者的常见问题. Urinary incontinence in this population is as common as 30% in children and 70% in adults. Physical therapists specially trained in pelvic floor rehabilitation are able to provide treatment for urinary incontinence, 脱垂, and constipation for both children and adults. 物理治疗包括骨盆底肌肉训练和教育,以解决个人问题,并根据每个病人的需要定制  通过提高医疗保健行动的独立性,OT可以帮助儿童将护理过渡到成年后控制自己的护理. This includes maintaining a proper schedule, ordering own prescriptions, interacting with medical team independently, 等.  OT can assist with increasing independence with activities of daily living (ADLs), 比如穿衣, 洗澡, grooming and Instrumental activities of daily (IADLs), 比如烹饪, cleaning and laundry all while conserving energy and increasing a person’s quality of life.


The person’s perception of their current state of health and illness is discussed; any difficulties with daily tasks and mobility are noted; 强度, 耐力, 的姿势, 检查呼吸控制和肌肉骨骼系统,以提供他们身体健康的完整画面.


治疗计划是个性化的,反映了个人的生活方式和自我优先的护理目标. Traditional exercises are used; e.g., weights, treadmills, bicycles or elliptical. 普拉提练习是用来加强腹部和上半身,以改善姿势和呼吸控制.  根据患者的需求和目标,在OT治疗期间与客户一起使用各种干预措施.  对于一个急于从高中过渡到大学的病人,或者一个不仅有工作安排而且有家庭的成年人, marriage and family; maintaining a proper schedule and routine in order to manage all treatments and medication may be an area where an OT could assist that person..  For a patient who is having difficulty with performing their daily morning routine, an OT can educate a person on energy conservation techniques, 利用适应性设备和适应性活动,以提高每项任务的易用性. 


Throughout treatment, 物理治疗师将审查各种适合个人需要的家庭锻炼计划. OT将为每位患者提供技术和策略方面的教育,以提高节能和日常管理技能.

Upon completion of the treatment plan, an exercise program will be provided that will help maintain gains made during PT.

Exercise Consultation

一个人可能觉得自己很健康,经常锻炼,或者一个孩子的家人可能觉得他/她太小,不适合康复. In these cases, PT for an exercise consult may be appropriate. 这是一项一次性评估,之后会提出活动和锻炼建议,让患者自行完成.

一个人可能会因为执行日常任务的能力下降而感到不知所措,而这些任务曾经很容易完成,或者一个学生可能会对上大学以及如何管理他们的学业和CF药物/治疗感到不知所措和焦虑.  In these cases, OT may be an appropriate consult.  During this consultation, OT将提出建议,以提高个人在节能技术方面的能力, adaptive strategies for ADLs/IADLs and routine management skills.   . 

Preparing for your first visit

You will need a referral from a physician to begin rehabilitation.
  • Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time to complete paperwork for your visit.
  • 你应该穿便于移动的衣服,带上你目前的药物清单和你的医生/其他医疗保健提供者的名字.
  • Your first visit will typically include a complete examination and exercise instruction/education.


We work with the medical team at the Robert C. 施瓦茨囊性纤维化中心在上州立大学医院市中心校区提供安全有效的护理.  我们独特的合作可以在治疗的各个方面提供全面的护理:从儿童及其家庭的运动咨询开始.  Individuals can be progressed throughout adolescence and adulthood.  经验丰富的治疗师在医院和我们最先进的门诊诊所与病人和家属一起工作.