

Governor Cuomo Launches PRODiG Initiative to Increase 教师 多样性 on All SUNY Campuses


Guidelines issued to campuses for first of its kind program to attract and retain faculty from underrepresented groups 阅读更多...

教务处 is supported by the senior associate dean for faculty affairs and faculty development, 教员任命专家和行政助理. 教师 Affairs centrally oversees the recruitment and 保留 efforts for faculty with assistance from 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 OD&我,阳光颂歌&我和系主任.





描述: Another recent effort led by the Office of 教师 Affairs and 教师发展 is the establishment of a formal meeting structure for the departmental diversity advocates in 2020. 每个部门都有一名指定的多元化倡导者, who is responsible for overseeing the department’s efforts to recruit and retain diverse faculty. These advocates are members of the Dean’s Committee on 多元化和包容性, 现在作为一个单独的小组每季度见面一次. 在这些季度会议上, advocates provide updates on their department’s programs and collaborate on new programming efforts.



描述: Department Chairs are responsible for monitoring efforts to increase diversity and inclusion among their faculty and must submit an Annual Department 多样性 教师 & 向院长办公室提交纳入报告. In 2019-20, all chairs were asked to identify a diversity advocate within their department. These representatives are responsible for overseeing the departmental diversity and inclusion efforts, 实践, and metrics in order to increase the recruitment and 保留 of the 医学院 identified diversity categories.


目标多样性类别: 黑人/非裔美国人,西班牙裔/拉丁裔,女性

描述: The 医学院 started using a 多样性仪表板 in 2018-19 to visually display results of the department chair’s Annual Department 多样性 教师 & 包含报告. Collection of data for this dashboard will be more efficient and more accurate starting with 2020-21 due to the new requirement that all faculty candidates must apply through a new centralized HR program called PageUp. Results are reviewed by the Dean’s Advisory Committee on 多元化和包容性, 以及院长执行委员会. They also provide internal benchmarking information for when the dean meets with individual department chairs and their faculty.



描述: The Office of 医学研究生教育 surveyed all residency and fellowship programs to identify what recruitment efforts are occurring within the programs to support recruitment of a diverse group of residents and fellows, 进而招募更多元化的教员, 并鼓励各部门在这方面进一步努力. 一些项目包括产科 & 妇科, 精神病学, 儿童虐待儿科学, 胃肠病学, 麻醉学有专门的课程来解决多样性和包容性问题. Some departmental diversity advocates play an active role in curricular development for graduate medical education programs. Other programs address this area by example, with program members who are diverse and inclusive. 一个部门努力的例子来自精神病学部门. 在2019-20学年, a major focus of the department was recruiting of Underrepresented Minority (URM) medical residents, 尤其是非洲裔美国人/黑人和西班牙裔美国人, 对于培训项目. 这一重点包括以下内容

  • 为部门和培训计划制定多元化声明
  • Reaching out to medical schools from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) with large numbers of URM, 包括霍华德大学, 梅哈里医学院, 莫尔豪斯医学院, 查尔斯德鲁医科大学, 和纽约市立大学医学院
  • 努力与这些学校建立互惠互利的关系

2020年的比赛, two applicants who identified as Black/African American matched with the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 精神病学 residency. 通过增加我们确定的多样性类别的居民数量, 我们希望许多人会选择留在上州立大学,加入我们的教职员工.



描述: OD&I and Human 资源 work collaboratively to provide diversity recruitment options for hiring managers in order to increase the diversity of applicant pools. 上州OD的代表&I is available to meet with all hiring departments at the beginning of the search process to assist with outreach efforts. Recommendations for employment are monitored through the documentation of search process. This process ensures that all qualified applicants and employees receive equal opportunity for recruitment, 选择, 进步, 以及任何其他与雇佣相关的条款和特权.



描述:纽约州立大学项目(促进招聘), 机会, 多样性, 包容 and Growth) Program is designed to assist campuses with the recruitment, 保留, 培养不同背景的优秀学者, including individuals from groups that have been historically underrepresented in higher education. 在这个竞争激烈的项目下, state-operated campuses compete for salary support and start-up packages to recruit outstanding scholars who have attained a record of distinction. PRODiG provides state-operated campuses with a percentage of the faculty member’s salary for three years. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 was approved for funding in 2019-20 but was not informed in time to recruit faculty during that academic year. 推荐最近最火的赌博软件计划申请2020-21年的奖励周期. 工资支持分配给校园如下, 最高可达145美元,每名教员000美元.

  • 2019-2020年:协商工资的80%,最高80,000美元
  • 2020-2021年:协商薪水的75%,最高50000美元
  • 2021-2022年:协商薪水的25%,最高15000美元

学校也有资格获得最高15美元的补贴,000 to develop competitive start-up packages for faculty appointed under this initiative.



描述: 2014年至2019年, 多元化联盟医学院, a grassroots group formed to facilitate discussions of unconscious bias at existing faculty meetings, 在17个院系教师会议上举办了简短的研讨会, 大约200名COM教员, 住院医生和系主任. The goal was to improve the recruitment process and ensure that it is equitable and inclusive. All faculty search committees now meet with a representative from the 多样性和包容性办公室(ODI) at their first meeting to review unconscious bias and to review resources for recruiting a diverse pool of candidates. Search committees are also provided with information on and encouraged to participate in the AAMC’s Online Seminar: The Science of Unconscious Bias and What To Do 关于 it in the Search and 招聘 Process.