

The Norton 医学院 generally requires four types of letters for promotion applications. If you are a c和idate for promotion, guidance for letter is below. 在大多数情况下, a completed faculty curriculum vitae 和 relevant portfolios are available to letter writers. If not initially provided, letter writers may request copies of the CV 和 portfolios from the 候选人 部门.



支持信 are generally requested by the promotion c和idate 和 should be addressed to the 部门 Chair. Letters may provide documentation regarding the c和idate’s accomplishments 和/or regional or national reach 和 recognition. Documentation from recipients of service such as learners or referral sources regarding excellence of service provided are a required part of the promotion process for those requesting promotion with clinical or educational excellence. 支持信 may also be used to highlight specific required elements of promotion.

信件可要求从教师同事, 学习者(优先考虑过去的学习者), 社区领袖, recipients of service 和/or others who are able to provide detail 和 examples regarding the c和idate’s excellence in the areas of education, 研究, 和/或服务.

但是,支持信没有具体的格式 支持信指南 可能会有帮助. 一般来说,支持信不超过一页. Letter writers should explain their relationship to the faculty c和idate for promotion 和 provide details regarding their own work 和 expertise as well as their knowledge of the c和idate’s work 和 accomplishments. Letter writers need not be employed by an academic institution 和 academic rank is not required.

The difference between letters of support 和 evaluation are summarized in the table below.


支持信 是你的要求,教员,而 评估信 are requested by the 部门 Chair (see table below for the key differences between these two). 然后将这些信件提供给部门P&T委员会 who will review your promotion package 和 submit their own letter of recommendation to the 部门 Chair for consideration. 如果主席同意推广计划, 他们给院长写了一封信, 概述你升职的优点. 在大多数情况下, a faculty CV 和 relevant portfolios should be provided to letter writers.


Details 支持信 评估信
必须由系主任要求吗 No 是的
字母数 建议4 - 6



信函作者必须具有同等或更高的学术地位 No 是的
写信人必须满足 标准 防止利益冲突 No 是的


The Norton 医学院 requires three external (also called extramural) 评估信 to be solicited by the 部门 Chair. These letters assist in the assessment of the c和idate's academic credentials. In some departments, these letters are requested prior to the 部门al 促销活动 和 任期内 (P&T) committee review; while in others, they are requested after the P&委员会审查候选人的文件. Letters may be addressed to the 部门 Chair or to the Norton 医学院 Dean.

A form to assist in determining the writer’s suitability to provide an external evaluator letter is available.

写信的人必须是非推荐最近最火的赌博软件院校的教员, 处于或高于考虑中的学术地位的. Letter writers (2/3 of those requested) may have had a collaborative engagement with the promotion c和idate, as long as it was three or more years prior to the consideration for promotion 和 tenure.

Faculty with current (within the past 3 years) collaborations with the c和idate are not eligible to be an evaluative letter writer. 来自候选人职业生涯任何阶段的导师都不符合资格.

Guidelines for external evaluator letter writers, including contents, are available 在这里. Writers should receive a copy of the c和idate’s CV 和 portfolios for review. 推广指引 联系教授 排名和 任职要求 所有写信人都可以使用吗.


部门晋升及任期(P&解析:选c&T委员会 recommendations following their review of the c和idate promotion packet 和 submits this review as a letter to the 部门 Chair for consideration. The letter must contain a majority recommendation, with inclusion of minority views. The letter must include specific 和 detailed assessments of the c和idate’s:

  • Credentials 和 accomplishments meeting the st和ards 和 标准 for proficiency in all areas 和 details regarding excellence in one area as outlined in the 标准及政策II.A;
  • 奖学金 (在审议任期的情况下);
  • 共同掌权, including professionalism 和 personal engagement in advancing the departmental 和 institutional goals 和 mission.



如果系主任同意你的晋升计划, 主席必须向院长提供一封信, 概述候选人晋升的优点. 这 template 提供指导,信件必须包括:

  • 关于部门P的意见&委员会信, particularly if t在这里 were concerns or committee members who were not in agreement with the recommendation
  • 关于外部评估信作者的评论, including how they were chosen 和 their stature in the c和idate’s area of expertise. 看到 标准政策(七).B.1和2.
    • 如何选择校外(外部)评价员
    • The evaluators’ relationships, if any, to the c和idate or institution
    • The certification of the professional expertise 和 the objectivity (non-mentor relationship) of the evaluators
  • Comments on whether or not the c和idate fulfills the 标准 of proficiency in all areas 定义于II.A,以及在一个领域的卓越表现
  • Specific 和 detailed assessments of the c和idate’s scholarship when tenure is being deliberated
  • 对候选人合作能力的评估, including professionalism 和 the c和idate’s personal engagement in advancing the departmental 和 institutional goals 和 mission
  • Comments regarding the c和idate’s efforts 和 personal engagement, 在适用情况下, to meet 推荐最近最火的赌博软件’s diversity 和 inclusion mission such as via support of diverse recruitment 和 retention efforts, 检讨教材的偏误, 促进专业间的理解和尊重, 或者其他多样性, 股本, 包容和归属感活动

在信的结尾, t在这里 should be a clear summary statement of the chair’s recommendation to support or deny promotion 和/or tenure. 请参阅 模板,指南,表格和清单.

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