

James F Dwyer, PhD

詹姆斯•德怀尔, PhD, is Professor of 生物伦理学 and Humanities. He teaches required ethics courses in both the preclinical and clinical years. He also teaches elective courses on physicians and social responsibility, and he supervises the Nightingale scholars in the third year.

In addition to teaching at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University, Dr. Dwyer often lectures and teaches abroad. In recent years, he has lectured in Canada, Mexico, Switzerland, Pakistan, and Taiwan. In 2011-2012, he received a Fulbright Scholar Grant to teach at the College of Medicine at National Taiwan University.

His written work focuses on broad issues about social justice, ethical responsibility, and ethics education. His writings have appeared in 学习医学, 生物伦理学, Hastings Center Report, Public Health Ethics, and other journals. He always tries to make his intellectual work of practical value, and his practical work of intellectual interest.

Dr. Dwyer, who serves on the Ethics Consultation Service, may be reached at 315.464.8455或at (电子邮件保护).

Selected Publications

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德怀尔J, Sambath V.  Power, pollution, and ethicsIndian Journal of Medical Ethics.  2019; 4(3):203-206

德怀尔J.  Environmental justice. ethics, and public health.  In Oxford Handbook of Public Health Ethics, edited by A Mastroianni, J Kahn, and N Kass.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2019: 728-738.

德怀尔J.  Haiku, spiritual exercises, and bioethics.  Canadian Journal of 生物伦理学.  2018; 1(2):44-47.

德怀尔J. and Faber-Langendoen K.  Speaking up: an ethical action exercise学习医学.  2018; 93(4):602-605.

德怀尔J.  On taking responsibility for undocumented migrantsPublic Health Ethics.  2015;8(2):139-147.

德怀尔J.  The Gaia commission: climate change and moral responsibilityBioethique在线.  2014.11.25; 3/18:1-5.

德怀尔J.  On flying to ethics conferences: Climate change and moral responsiveness.  International Journal of Feminist Approaches to 生物伦理学.  2013;6(1): 1-18.

德怀尔J.  Teaching global health ethics.  In Global Health Ethics, S编辑. 贝纳塔尔和G. Brock (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011): 319-328. 

德怀尔J.  How to connect bioethics and environmental ethics: health, sustainability, and justice.  生物伦理学.  2009;23(9):497-502.

德怀尔J.  The century of biology: three views.  Sustainability Science.  2008;3(2):283-285.

德怀尔J,蔡D.  Developing the duty to treat: HIV, SARS, and the next epidemic.  Journal of Medical Ethics.  2008;34:7-10.

德怀尔J.  What’s wrong with the global migration of health care professionals?  Individual rights and international justice.  Hastings Center Report.  2007;37(5):36-43.

德怀尔J.  肝脏的一部分.  移植.  2003;76:1266-1267.

德怀尔J.  Medicine and the arts: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.  学习医学.  1999;74:804-805.  转载的 Ten years of Medicine and the Arts.

德怀尔J.  Primum non tacere: an ethics of speaking up.  Hastings Center Report.  1994;24(1):13-18.