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Dr. 瑞秋Fabi is an Associate Professor in the Center for 生物ethics and Humanities at SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University in Syracuse, New York. She serves as a member of SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 University Hospital’s ethics consultation service and as a faculty research affiliate of the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion at Syracuse University. Dr. Fabi completed her Ph.D. in Health Policy and Management in the 生物ethics and Health Policy track at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. 2019年,. Fabi was awarded the Greenwall Fellowship in 生物ethics by the National Academy of Medicine, and in 2021 she was elected to the position of Director-at-Large of the American Society for 生物ethics and Humanities. Her research focuses on the ethics of policies that affect immigrant health. Outside of work, Dr. Fabi solves and creates crossword puzzles.


Dr. Fabi may be reached at 315.464.1807年或 [email protected]

Dr. Fabi的 当前简历.

Selected Publications:

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公园,J.Mahklouf, M., Fabi R. (2023). Expanding Healthcare Access for DACA Recipients Through Executive Branch Rulemaking—Progress and Ongoing Imperatives. The New England Journal of Medicine. 389(5): 387-389.


Steenland, M., Fabi R.贝勒罗斯,M.A、d、d.怀特,M.,何瑞,L. (2023). Association between state public insurance coverage for postpartum immigrants and differences in postpartum care between postpartum immigrants and non-immigrants. 《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》, 330(3): 238-246.


起重机,J., Fabi R.帕西亚,D.纽豪斯,C.纽约州柏林格(Berlinger. (2023). “We’re Here to Take Care of Our Community”: Lessons Learned From the U.S. Federal Health Center Covid-19 Vaccine Program. Health Promotion Practice.


Fabi R.Zahn, L. (2022). Public Reason, Public Comments, and the Public Charge Rule: A Case Study in Moral & Practical Reasoning in Federal Rulemaking. Journal of Law, Medicine, & 道德. 50(2): 322-335.


Fabi R., Rivas,年代.格里芬,M。. (2022). Not in Our Name: The Disingenuous Use of “Public Health” as Justification for Title 42 Expulsions in the Era of the Migrant Protection Protocols. American Journal of Public Health, 112(8): 1115-1119.


Fabi R., 塞万提斯,L. (2021). Undocumented immigrants and COVID-19—A call for federally funded healthcare. 《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》 Health Forum2(9), e212252.


Fabi R.塞隆纳,B.泰勒,H. (2021). State Policymaking and Stated Reasons: Prenatal Care for Undocumented Immigrants in an Era of Abortion Restriction. The Milbank Quarterly.


Fabi R., 泰勒,H. A. (2021). Publicly Funded Health Care for Pregnant Undocumented Immigrants: Achieving Moral Progress Through Overlapping Consensus. Kennedy Institute of 道德 Journal31(1), 77-99.