

胰腺癌 is treated in our Bile Duct, Gallbladder, Liver, and 胰腺癌计划 在上州癌症中心.

For more information or answers to your questions about our 癌症治疗, please call 315 464-hope (4673) to speak with an 北州癌症中心 representative.


胰腺癌 is the growth of 癌症 cells in the pancreas. 胰腺是一个消化器官. It makes digestive enzymes and hormones.

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Cancer happens when cells divide without control or order. These cells grow together to form a tumor. 他们 can invade and damage nearby tissues. 他们 can also spread to other parts of the body.

It is not clear what 原因 changes in the cells. It is likely a combination of genes and environment.


胰腺癌 is more common in men and people aged 55 years old and older. Other things that raise the risk are:


胰腺癌 does not usually cause 症状 in the early stages. When 症状 occur, the 癌症 has often spread outside the pancreas.


  • 不劳而获的减肥
  • Pain—in the upper belly, which may spread to the back
  • Dark urine (pee), tan stool (poop), 宽松的 凳子或漂浮的大便
  • 缺乏饥饿
  • 弱点
  • 恶心和呕吐
  • 瘙痒
  • 黄疸-皮肤和白色变黄 眼睛


The doctor will ask about 症状 and past health. 一个物理 检查就完成了. The doctor may order blood and urine tests, and check for hidden 大便带血.

Imaging tests help confirm the 诊断. 他们检查胰腺 and surrounding structures and may include:

A 活组织检查 may be done—a sample of pancreatic tissue will be taken and tested.

The exam and test results are used to diagnose the 癌症. 他们 也有助于确定分期. 胰腺癌 is staged from 0 to 4. 越低 number the less the 癌症 has spread.


The goal is to remove the 癌症, if possible, and to ease 症状. 治疗 for pancreatic 癌症 depends on the stage of the 癌症.

Surgery may be done to help treat the 癌症. If the 癌症 has spread too far, surgery is sometimes also done to ease 症状. 手术包括:

  • 惠普尔手术-去除一部分 pancreas, part of the small intestine, and some tissues around it
  • 总计 胰腺切除术-去掉整个 pancreas, part of the small intestine, part of the stomach, the bile duct, the gallbladder, spleen, and nearby lymph nodes
  • Distal 胰腺切除术—to remove the body and tail of the pancreas


  • 外部放射治疗 or 内部 辐射—to 杀死癌细胞 and shrink tumors. 可以给出:
  • 化疗 口服、注射或静脉注射 杀死癌细胞.
  • Targeted therapy—drugs that target 癌症 cells.
  • Immunotherapy—drugs that help the body fight 癌症. 它们用于治疗癌症 starts growing again after chemotherapy.

Most times, pancreatic 癌症 is found at a later stage. This means that surgery may not be helpful. If surgery cannot be done, then chemotherapy and 辐射 may be given together. 这可能会增加生存时间.


The risk of pancreatic 癌症 may be lowered by:

  • 不吸烟
  • Reaching and keeping a healthy weight
  • 吃健康、低脂肪的食物
  • 定期进行体育锻炼
  • 限制酒精:
    • 男性每天喝两杯或更少
    • 女性每天1杯


  • General information about pancreatic 癌症. 国家癌症 学院网站. 可以在: http://www.癌症.gov/types/pancreatic/patient/pancreatic-治疗-pdq.
  • 胰腺腺癌. EBSCO DynaMed网站. 可用 在:http://www.力学.com/condition/pancreatic-adenocarcinoma.
  • 胰腺癌. 美国癌症协会网站. 可在:http://www.癌症.org/癌症/pancreatic-癌症.html.
  • Saluja A, Maitra A. 胰腺炎和胰腺癌. 胃肠病学. 2019;156(7):1937-1940.

Library resources related to pancreatic 癌症.


The detailed guide includes descriptions of the 原因, 风险因素, 预防, 诊断, 暂存, and 治疗s and what's new in pancreatic 癌症 research.
Approved drugs for 治疗 of pancreatic 癌症 from the National Institute of Health's 国家癌症 Institute.
Health information on pancreatic 癌症 from the Mayo Clinic Foundation, 包括:描述, 症状, 原因, 风险因素, 并发症, 测试和诊断, 治疗和药物, 还有替代医学.
Link to a search of the MedlinePlus database for health information on pancreatic 癌症. MedlinePlus links are managed by medical librarians at the National Library of Medicine.
An electronic booklet about medical care for pancreatic 癌症 from the 国家癌症 Institute. The booklet includes information on 风险因素, 诊断, 暂存, 治疗, 后续护理, 癌症研究.