

脑垂体癌的治疗是在我们的 神经肿瘤学项目 在上州癌症中心.

For more information or answers to your questions about our 癌症治疗, please call 315 464-hope (4673) to speak with an 北州癌症中心 representative.


A pituitary adenoma is a growth (tumor) in the pituitary gland. The pituitary is a small gland at the base of the brain. 它产生一种叫做 激素. Hormones control other glands in the body.

Pituitary adenomas are usually not 癌症. 它们不会传播. However, they can lead to vision and growth 问题. 他们也可以改变平衡 of 激素 of the thyroid, adrenal, and gonad glands.

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Changes in cells cause the growth of a tumor. 并非总是如此 弄清楚导致这些变化的原因. It may be due to genes or the environment.


Things that may raise the risk of a pituitary adenoma are:

  • A family or personal history of multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1 (MEN1)
  • 其他遗传性疾病,如:


症状各不相同. 他们 depend on the size of the tumor. 他们 also depend on if the tumor is sending out 激素. 肿瘤也会引起问题 because it is at the base of the brain. 有些可能没有任何症状.


  • 头疼
  • 视野模糊或视野狭窄

A prolactin-secreting adenoma may cause:

  • Milk production in nonlactating women
  • Loss of menstrual periods or irregular periods
  • 对性缺乏兴趣
  • 阴道干涩

A thyrotropin-secreting adenoma may cause swelling of the neck.

If the adenoma 原因 hyperthyroidism it may lead to:

  • 震动
  • 快速的心跳
  • 焦虑
  • 减肥
  • 睡眠问题

A corticotropin-secreting adenoma may cause:

  • 月经的变化
  • Skin changes such as more face hair in women, acne, bruising, or bluish stretch 标志着
  • Buffalo hump, an increase in fatty tissue on the back
  • Obesity, especially around the wrist
  • 圆圆的脸

A growth hormone-secreting adenoma may cause:

  • 手脚变大
  • 过度生长和高度
  • 油性皮肤
  • 过度出汗

Pituitary adenomas may also play a role in:


The doctor will ask about 症状 and past health. 一个物理 检查就完成了. 内分泌学家是专家. 它们与腺体和激素一起工作 问题. 他们可能会要求进行以下测试:

  • Blood and urine tests to check hormone levels
  • 视力测试
  • Images of brain which may be done with an 核磁共振成像


治疗 will depend on the size and impact of the tumor. 肿瘤 that are not causing 问题 may not need immediate 治疗. 医生会安排 定期检查以跟踪任何变化.

治疗 may focus on managing hormone changes caused by the 肿瘤或肿瘤切除. A combination of 治疗s may be used. 选项可能 包括:


肿瘤 that are pressing on nearby structures may need to be 删除. Many may be 删除 through the nose. 健康的脑垂体组织可以 也被移除. Hormone medicine may be needed after surgery.


医学s can control 症状 and sometimes shrink the tumor. 他们 can also block 激素 from the tumor.

医学 may be useful for prolactin or growth hormone-secreting adenomas.


Radiation therapy can kill tumor cells. 辐射的种类 治疗方法包括:

  • Conventional therapy—radiation is directed at the pituitary from a source outside the body
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery—an intense radiation beam is targeted directly at the tumor
  • Proton beam radiotherapy—a beam of protons is focused on the tumor


There are no guidelines to prevent this condition.


  • General information about 垂体肿瘤. 国家 癌症研究所网站. 可以在: http://www.癌症.gov/types/pituitary/patient/pituitary-治疗-pdq.
  • Marques JVO, Boguszewski CL. 侵略性的生育问题 垂体肿瘤. Rev endodr Metab Disord. 2020;21(2):225-233 .
  • NINDS 垂体肿瘤 information page. 研究所 of Neurological Disorders and Stroke website. 可以在: http://www.研究所.国家卫生研究院.gov/health-information/disorders/pituitary-tumors.
  • 无功能垂体腺瘤. EBSCO DynaMed网站. 可在:http://www.力学.com/condition/nonfunctioning-pituitary-adenoma.
  • 垂体肿瘤. 美国癌症协会网站. 可用 在:http://www.癌症.org/癌症/pituitary-tumors.html.

Library resources related to 垂体肿瘤.


The detailed guide includes descriptions of 原因, 风险因素, 预防, 诊断, 暂存, and 治疗s and what's new in pituitary tumor research.
Health information on 垂体肿瘤 from the Mayo Clinic Foundation, 包括:描述, 症状, 原因, 风险因素, 并发症, 测试和诊断, 治疗和药物, 以及应对和支持.
Link to a search of the MedlinePlus database for health information on 垂体肿瘤. MedlinePlus links are managed by medical librarians at the 国家 Library of 医学.
信息rmation from the 美国脑肿瘤协会 on 垂体肿瘤, 包括症状, 治疗, 和解剖学.
Overview of 垂体肿瘤 by the 研究所 of Child Health & 人类发展. Includes information on the condition, 美国儿童健康与人类发展研究所研究, 临床试验, 资源和出版物.
支持 & 研究机构
The 美国脑肿瘤协会 advances the understanding and 治疗 of brain tumors with the goals of improving, 扩展和, 最终, saving the lives of those impacted by a brain tumor 诊断.