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Violence Prevention

Violence Prevention


When a patient presents with intentional violent trauma, a Violence Trauma Assessment is completed

Based on this assessment, an individual plan is formulated with the goal of preventing further injury

They are followed throughout their hospitalization and after discharge

Referrals are made to community partners that provide many valuable resources, including:

  • Mental health care
  • 初级护理
  • 指导
  • Safe/secure housing
  • 学校 & educational opportunities
  • Obtaining employment
  • Support with substance use disorders
  • 食物、衣服
  • Disability assistance
  • 法律帮助
  • 照顾孩子
  • Various other services

Participants remain in the program until they feel independently safe and secure


Coping with a Traumatic Event


For more information about the program contact:

蕾妮·格雷格, LMSW